Thursday, May 26, 2005
Our Standard Symmetrix DMX Setup
- 000 Volume Logics database (8mb)
Contains information as to what host has access to which meta devices. Should be read only to everyone except systems with Solutions enabler installed.
- 001-00F Gate Keepers (3mb)
All EMC software (TimeFinder, SRDF, SDR, etc.) run IN the Symmetrix, so servers (with SYMCLI or ECC) only issue commands to the Symmetrix and Symmetrix perform the job internally. The problem is that Symmetrix boxes can not assign memory for software, only devices, so (cleverly) EMC creates tiny devices of 6 cilinders (aprox. 2,88 MB) in order to give the requiered memory IN the Symmetrix, so symm box can receive the commands from symcli/ECC through gatekeeper devices (to the symmetrix memory) and perform it.
- 010-019 Quarum Devices (range from 70-668mb)
Quarum devices for windows clustering.
- 01A-01B Symmetrix File systems (2878mb)
For use by EMC CE only
- 01C-01F Sym Optimizer Devices (8632mb)
Used by Symm Optimizer to move hot spots in the Sym
- 020-### Meta devices pathed out to hosts in increments of 8.43G
Actual meta devices as seen by hosts.
Command example:
symdev -sid #### list more
Symmetrix ID: ###########
Dir | Device | ||||||
Device Name | SA:P | DA:IT | Config | Attribute | State | Size (MB) | |
0000 | /dev/rdsk/c4t32d0s2 | 03A:0 | 01A:C2 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | VCM WD | 8 |
0001 | /dev/rdsk/c4t32d1s2 | 03A:0 | 01A:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0002 | /dev/rdsk/c4t32d2s2 | 03A:0 | 02B:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0003 | Not Visible | ***:* | 07A:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0004 | Not Visible | ***:* | 08B:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0005 | Not Visible | ***:* | 01B:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0006 | Not Visible | ***:* | 02A:C1 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0007 | Not Visible | ***:* | 07B:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0008 | Not Visible | ***:* | 08A:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0009 | Not Visible | ***:* | 16B:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000A | Not Visible | ***:* | 15A:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000B | Not Visible | ***:* | 10B:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000C | Not Visible | ***:* | 09A:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000D | Not Visible | ???:? | 16A:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000E | Not Visible | ???:? | 15B:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
000F | Not Visible | ???:? | 10A:D0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 3 |
0010 | Not Visible | ***:* | 08A:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 668 |
0011 | Not Visible | ***:* | 09B:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 668 |
0012 | Not Visible | ***:* | 08A:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 668 |
0013 | Not Visible | ***:* | 09B:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 668 |
0014 | Not Visible | ***:* | 01A:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
0015 | Not Visible | ???:? | 02B:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
0016 | Not Visible | ???:? | 07A:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
0017 | Not Visible | ???:? | 08B:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
0018 | Not Visible | ???:? | 01B:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
0019 | Not Visible | ???:? | 02A:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | RW | 70 |
001A | Not Visible | ???:? | 08A:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/A | (FS) RW | 2878 |
001B | Not Visible | ???:? | 09B:DD | 2-Way Mir | N/A | (FS) RW | 2878 |
001C | Not Visible | ???:? | 01B:DD | DRV | N/Grp'd | RW | 8632 |
001D | Not Visible | ???:? | 16A:DD | DRV | N/Grp'd | RW | 8632 |
001E | Not Visible | ???:? | 07B:DD | DRV | N/Grp'd | RW | 8632 |
001F | Not Visible | ???:? | 10A:DD | DRV | N/Grp'd | RW | 8632 |
0020 | Not Visible | ***:* | 01A:C0 | 2-Way Mir | N/Grp'd | (M) RW | 60421 |
Monday, May 16, 2005
Fixing a non-refresh problem on ECC
2. Inside ECC stop the Symmetrix agent on all of the store boxes.
3. Inside ECC start the Symmetrix agent on all of the store boxes, starting the sym agent on the box which you want to act as primary first.
This will cause a database refresh and hopefully clear the problem.
Finding HBA WWNs
1. Run LPUTIL to gather the WWN of the HBA (note this is only for Emulex cards):
2. Select 2. Adapter Information > 4. IEEE Address > Card in question.
IEEE Address for Adapter 2:
[10000000] [999999999]
1. Run an IOSCAN to locate the fiber card device files:
ioscan -funC fc
2. Using a device from above run the FCMSUTIL command to get the card information:
/opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil /dev/td0