Friday, April 15, 2005

HBA access via Store Command Line

Some times you get some new HBA cards that you cannot see via the ECC console, due to the card being a newer HBA or if your patch level on the ECC being behind revision. The good news is granting volume access to HBAs via command line can be done as follows:

1. Login to the ECC store NT box.

2. Open the command prompt and type :

symmaskdb list database more

3. Verify that the devices you are pathing are free on the list.

4. Grant access to the devices in question with the following command:

symmask -sid "Symm-Serial Number" -wwn "WWN Number of HBA" -dir "FA" -p "FA Port Number" add devs "Device range"


symmask -sid #### -wwn 10000000c9fake -dir 9c -p 0 add devs 62a:78F

5. Verify that the access has been granted:

symmaskdb list database more

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