Friday, April 15, 2005
Creating Meta's in ECC
The first step in giving a host access to EMC disks is to actually create the metas themselves. The metas are logical collection of standars that are set up to look like a single device to the actual hosts. Always use/create RAID5 devices as concatenated, RAID1 devices as striped.
1. In ECC select:
- Storgare systems
- Symmetrix Arrays
- Right click on the appropiate Symm
- Select configure
- Select Meta Device Configuration
2. On the left side select the appropiate Unmapped Devices
- BCV Devices are for Business continuous volumes
- Standards are for regular volumes
- For RAID5 volumes select four contiguous standards/BCV (this is what we do, this isn't what everyone does)
3. On the right side select the correct type of Meta Device you wish to create. Always use/create RAID5 devices as concatenated metas , RAID1 devices as striped metas.
4. Push the Create Meta button!
Note: The newly created Meta Devices will be created using the first standard/BCV in the meta as it's identifier. This number, the meta head, is not the LUN Device name/number.
Adding Devices to a FA ECC
1. In ECC select:
- Storgare systems
- Symmetrix Arrays
- Right click on the appropiate Symm
- Select configure
- Select SRD Device Mapping
2. On the left side select the needed Meta Devices
BCV Devices are for Business continuous volumes
Standards are for regular volumes
3. On the right side select the correct FA and port address to map the devices down. FAports should be select using the rule of seventeen (i.e. 7+10, 8+9,...)
4. Push the Continue button and then edit the command.
5. Changed the automatically assigned LUN numbers to the desired LUN number (we start our LUNs at address 20 or if there are already LUNs assigned to the FA then we use the next available LUN number).
6. Press the continue button and you are done!
HBA access via ECC
1. In ECC select:
Right click on the appropiate Hostname
Select Masking
Select Modify Masking Configurations
2. In the new window, select the desired HBA in the top left window pane.
3. On the top right window pane select the correct FA and port address to mask the devices down. FAports should be select using the rule of seventeen (i.e. 7+10, 8+9,...)
4. Push the Show Devices button.
5. Select the desired devices in the window bellow and the Grant Access. Push continue to commit the changes.
HBA access via Store Command Line
1. Login to the ECC store NT box.
2. Open the command prompt and type :
symmaskdb list database more
3. Verify that the devices you are pathing are free on the list.
4. Grant access to the devices in question with the following command:
symmask -sid "Symm-Serial Number" -wwn "WWN Number of HBA" -dir "FA" -p "FA Port Number" add devs "Device range"
symmask -sid #### -wwn 10000000c9fake -dir 9c -p 0 add devs 62a:78F
5. Verify that the access has been granted:
symmaskdb list database more